Grand Lodge of the Philippines
LODGES J. Sumulong Mem. No. 169 Mandaluyong City No. 277
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The Philippine National Anthem
ABOUT THE GAVEL by: Bro. B.J Torres, PM - Researcher/Compiler
Posted on August 2006, Issue No. 6 of RIVER DELTA
Our Monitor states that the "common gavel is an instrument used by operative masons to break off the rough and superfluous parts of stones, the better to fit them for the builder's use. But we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our hearts and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life, thereby fitting our minds, as living stones for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
Simply stated, it "denotes the force of conscience and should keep down all vain and unbecoming thoughts which might obstruct during the aforementioned periods, so that our words and actions may ascend unpolluted to the Throne of Grace.".
Every man within himself, already knows what is right and what is wrong, and this knowledge is only stifled by the confusion created by the low level of reception and perception of the five physical senses. There is no real reason why we should query the work that is necessary in ourselves, our conscience gives us the answer - and the answer is already there within our grasp, yet we turn a blind eye towards it. Hence speculative Masons are taught to make use of the gavel as the force of conscience to conjoin their earthly beings to their spiritual attributes.
The gavels in Masonic Lodges are said to be emblems of power. The Lodge is opened by it by their use, attention is called by them, and the Lodge is finally closed by them. The Worshipful Master representing the rising sun in the East and therefore GOD the Creator, calls the Lodge into being out of nothingness, just as GOD created the world out of chaos. The Worshipful Master, however, does not close the Lodge, this is completed by the Senior Warden representing the Setting Sun or the destructive power of the Deity, while the Junior Warden symbolizes the sun at its meridian height and the preservative power of GOD.
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